Community Benefit Report


Wayne Memorial Hospital is a nonprofit community hospital overseen by a volunteer board of trustees and a paid administrative staff. Both the Board and the Administration believe in “connecting community and healthcare” by providing educational, safety, prevention, awareness and other programs to the public at no cost. The hospital is also home to many outside/non-hospital support groups such as Compassionate Friends who use the facility for meetings free of charge.


Each year, Wayne Memorial Hospital is required to file a Form 990 – “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax” form—which is available to the public.  Schedule H of the 990 reveals an estimate of the hospital’s community benefit provided during the year. The expenses are estimated primarily in terms of staff or facility investment of time and costs for supplies, tests (such as discounted laboratory tests offered in the Together for Health School program) or space

The hospital is also required to provide estimated costs of financial assistance to patients who seek help paying their medical bills for treatment at our facility.  Our financial assistance policy can be found on this website under Pay Your Bill.


CLICK on this link for an excerpt of the hospital’s Schedule H/990 form filed with the Internal Revenue Service for the most recent Fiscal Year (runs from July 1 – June 30th of the following year).


Community Benefit Report 2022-2023

Community Benefit Report 2021-2022

Community Benefit Report 2020-2021



If anyone has further questions about this form or the information/entities cited, please contact the Community Relations Department at (570) 253-8990.