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Wayne Memorial Hospital
601 Park Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Click the map below for turn by turn directions.
This is an exciting time for your non-profit community hospital. In September, 2020, Wayne Memorial will mark its centennial. One hundred years of service to the community! To celebrate, we plan not only a huge event in Honesdale’s Central Park, but the completion of a project designed to help us embrace our future. That project is The Second Century Fund.
The Second Century Fund is a campaign to raise $3 million dollars to augment the hospital’s Master Facilities Plan. That plan led to the construction of a new tower housing 50 private patient rooms. When it opens this spring, it’s anticipated that the community will be awed. The technology and the spaciousness of the new building are state-of-the art.
The future, however, also depends upon how well we can staff the hospital and continue to implement new technologies for diagnosis, healing and communication. Hence, The Second Century Fund.
“Our future depends on our ability to continually strengthen our core medical and surgical professional talent. Primary care, orthopedics, and cardiology are examples of what I mean by ‘core’ services. Possibilities also exist to develop cooperative agreements with physicians to broaden our services through telemedicine, and specialists willing to come to the Hospital on regularly scheduled days.” Jim Pettinato, RN, Director of Patient Care Services.
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There is an old axiom which originated in Hollywood that goes, “If you build it, they will come.” However, the state of modern medicine in rural America is laying waste to that axiom. A critical part of running a health system today is recruiting physicians, nurses and therapists. As America ages and its population expands, competition for physicians and health care professionals is increasingly challenging. As the year 2018 began, the average age of the Wayne Memorial Hospital’s physicians was 59½.
“We must recruit and retain caring, dedicated talent to continue our culture and tradition of high standards. Practicing medicine has always been a life-long endeavor, we must attract physicians who understand and appreciate that fundamental value.” Bill Dewar III, MD, Chief of Medical Staff
Each specialty and subspecialty require its own demands for the latest medical equipment. Further, the useful life for medical equipment decreases at increasingly rapid rates. New medical talent will require the latest and most advanced diagnostic and treatment equipment to be successful. A critically important element of bringing physicians and professionals to the Hospital will be the ability to accommodate their needs for state-of-the-art equipment.
“I strongly believe the hospital’s future lies in connecting with other healthcare providers for increased and advanced services. These kinds of partnerships are absolutely possible in today’s digital age.” Wendell Hunt, hospital board member
Information technology is advancing at a rate that is unimaginable. Milt Roegner points out that collected data doubles every 73 days in this country. Top Cancer Treatment Centers scientists, oncologists and IT experts have a goal of unlocking the complexities of America’s most-feared disease and then developing individual treatment protocols. These treatments will be made possible through the collection of a spectrum of date on EVERY cancer patient in each center, defining the efficacy of treatments administered thereby enabling physicians all over the world to choose the most promising individual treatment plan option for each patient.
“Medical breakthroughs are accelerating at such a rapid pace, that it is difficult to anticipate the needs of the medical staff of the future. Wayne Memorial must prepare for the wave of new technology that will dominate medical care in the future.” Milt Roegner, former chair, Wayne Memorial Health Foundation