Paul M. and Sandra Meagher Legacy Circle

Legacy Circle

The Paul M. & Sandra Meagher Legacy Circle honors individuals who inform the Wayne Memorial Health Foundation confidentially and in writing that they have included the Foundation in their estate plans.

This may be done through a beneficiary designation in a will, a trust, a charitable gift annuity or other life income gift, an insurance policy or a retirement plan.

Our purpose is to:
Honor and thank those special friends whose thoughtful charitable estate plans will create a legacy to support Wayne Memorial Health Foundation and recognize that patient care, capital projects and endowments are supported by planned gifts

As a member of the Legacy Circle, you will receive:

  • Special recognition at the annual Mistletoe Ball and in our donor reports
  • Invitations to special Legacy Circle events
  • News about Wayne Memorial in our Wellspring and Insight newsletters
  • As they occur, updates about important changes and opportunities that affect charitable estate planning decisions

If Wayne Memorial Health Foundation is in your estate plans, please let us know. Click on this link for a brochure and form:



We value your commitment to us and invite you to join our Legacy Circle.