WMH Auxiliary’s Love Lites Light Up December 10

(Honesdale, November 12, 2018)… A reminder to “reflect and remember” in a busy season. That’s how the Wayne Memorial Hospital Auxiliary describes its annual Love Lites program, which will be held this year on December 10th at 6:30pm. The public is invited to honor or remember loved ones with lights hung on several trees around the hospital campus. At night, the lights glow and twinkle and remind all passersby that love lives. The lights cost $5 each and the names of those honored are placed in a Memory Book displayed in the hospital’s lobby from early December until mid-January. The book can also be found on the hospital’s website.

“Hundreds of people contribute each year, so each tree is truly lit up,” says Love Lites co-coordinator Diane Fox. At a time of year that’s so busy—the holidays—it’s a way for people to have a moment of reflection about loved ones. No fuss, no big packages to buy or carry, just a little light on a tree that glows all through the season.”

Love Lites originated in 1991 as an Auxiliary fundraiser but also as a service to the community. The night of the lighting includes a ceremony that brings together a variety of community groups. St. Tikhon’s Choir and the Honesdale High School chorus both perform songs appropriate to the season and the event.  A member of the clergy offers a blessing. Hospital staff, Auxilians and members of the public who perhaps purchased a light are all invited to participate.

To participate, fill out the coupon below or found at www.wmh.org by Friday, December 7th.  Make your check payable to the WMH Auxiliary for $5 for each Love Lite and mail to Diane Fox, 435 Wanoka Rd.,, Honesdale Pa 18431. Coupons can also be found in the hospital lobby and at various locations in the area. For more information call Diane at 570-253-4378 or Kathie Carlson at 570-226-8115.

Photo, left to right: Love Lites Committee members Shirley Von Lumm, Diane Fox, Kathie Carlson.

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