Wayne Memorial’s Midwifery Mingle a Success

(Honesdale, PA –October 8, 2021) – Wayne Memorial’s Midwifery Mingle, a gathering for women of all ages and their children in celebration of National Midwifery Week, was deemed a success by organizers and participants. Dozens of guests enjoyed the outdoor event held at the Cooperage in Honesdale on October 7th, which included information booths about Wayne Memorial services and snacks from the Kitchen Cricket.  Among those who showed up for the celebration was first-time attendee Uma Frances Kurtain who was born at Wayne Memorial Hospital’s New Beginnings Birthing suites on September 23rd. Uma, who was decked out in her “A Midwife Helped Me Out” onesie, and her mom, Arrah Fisher, took a minute to pose with Certified Nurse Midwife Kate Scully of the Women’s Health Center. Kate had been Arrah’s midwife throughout her pregnancy and had the honor of helping to deliver Uma just a few weeks prior. Left to right, are: Arrah Fisher holding baby Uma and Kate Scully, CNM, MPH.