Wayne Memorial Trauma Center Re-accreditation

(Honesdale, November 14, 2018)….Another successful milestone for Wayne Memorial Hospital’s Trauma Team: The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation re-accredited the hospital as a Level IV Trauma Center for the next two years, the highest number of years that can be achieved for re-accreditation. The hospital first successfully received the designation in 2017 and was required to apply for re-certification in one year. Level IV trauma centers are able to provide initial care and stabilization of traumatic injury—serious or critical bodily injury— while arranging transfer to a higher level of trauma care. Some of the most common traumatic injuries are caused by falls, motor vehicle crashes, burns and assaults.  Since it was first accredited, Wayne Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department and Trauma Response Team, which includes Laboratory and Radiology staff, have treated approximately 18 trauma cases a month or more than 200 since November of last year. Studies show that trauma protocols such as those set up at Wayne Memorial dramatically reduce the likelihood of death or permanent disability to trauma patients.  “This re-accreditation not only validates our work to date,” said James Pettinato, RN, director Patient Care Services, “it means we will continue to be in a position to save lives when a trauma occurs in our service area. It’s a win-win for us and the community we serve.”  Photo, left to right: James Pettinato, RN, director Patient Care Services; Amanda Arthur, RN; Debra Bertsche, PA;  Patrick Pugliese, MD, medical director Trauma Program and medical director, Emergency Department (ED); Karen Novobilski, RN, Performance Improvement; Danielle Davis, RN, Performance Improvement; Lucille Young, RN, Trauma Program manager (holding certificate); Joanne Falcone, LPN; Denise DiGiampaolo, LPN; Megan Behan, LPN; Dana Gallik, RN; Heather Hughes, RN; Chandra Roberts, RN, Staff Development; Michele Churney, RN, nurse-manager, ED.