Wayne Memorial Health Foundation Supports Youth Mental Health Training

Honesdale, PA (March 21, 2018) — Members of Wayne Memorial Health Foundation’s (WMHF) Mini-grants Committee  and presenters of  “Youth Mental Health First Aid Training” are shown during a break in the 8-hour session held March 16th at the Park Street Complex.  Course participants are introduced to risk factors and warning signs of behavioral health issues in adolescents as well as recommended action plans to assist in a crisis. The training was presented by NEPA Area Health Education Center (AHEC) and supported with funds from WMHF. More than 20 individuals attended the course. Left to right, Jack Dennis, executive director, WMHF; Carol Chaykosky, health  educator, AHEC; Elizabeth Schaffer, health educator, AHEC; Martha Sader and Nancy Propst, mini-grant committee members