Rechner Assumes Chairmanship at Wayne Memorial

(Honesdale, November 5, 2019)…The new Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Wayne Memorial Hospital and Health System brings a diversity of skills and experiences to his new post.  Hugh Rechner is an attorney, a former banking professional, a pilot and a U.S.
Army veteran who served in the Vietnam War and earned both a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. He and his wife Carol, longtime Honesdale residents, are the parents of three, grandparents of seven and great-grandparents of six.

           Elected by the Hospital/Health System Board after his predecessor, Dirk Mumford, termed out, Rechner said “it is an honor to be at the helm of this excellent organization, and I look forward to working with my fellow board members and the administration in the best interests of our patients and community.”

Born in Yugoslavia during World War II, Rechner, who is of German descent, and his family spent time in refugee camps before emigrating to the United States in 1949.  The family ultimately settled on a farm in Fortenia Heights, just outside Honesdale.  After graduating from Honesdale High School, Rechner joined the U.S. Army where he trained to be a helicopter pilot.  After 20 years in the service, during which time he served two tours of duty in Vietnam and earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska and a Masters’ in Business Administration from the University of Colorado, Rechner retired—for the first time!  He then joined Honesdale National Bank, where he served as a Vice President and Trust Officer for 10 years—and retired again.

“Looking for more excitement,” as Mr. Rechner puts it, he decided that the practice of law was his real life’s avocation. In 1994, at the age of 51, he started law school at Temple University. He graduated cum laude in June 1997.  Rechner Law welcomed Hugh’s daughter Christine Rechner as a partner in 2003.

Rechner is no stranger to the services of Wayne Memorial Health System. He served as a director and Chairman of the Board of Wayne Woodlands Manor, the System’s long-term care home in Waymart where his mother also resided for many years.  For the past five years, Rechner has been First Vice Chair of Wayne Memorial Hospital/Health System.

“Wayne Memorial is thrilled to have Hugh Rechner continue to serve us and the community,” said Wayne Memorial CEO David Hoff. “His extensive background in banking and the law, not to mention serving our country, is impressive. We’re privileged to have him!”

With Rechner’s ascent, 2nd Vice Chair Joann Hudak moves into the 1st vice chair position, followed by attorney Matt Meagher as 2nd vice chair. Wendell Hunt continues as secretary and Frank Borelli continues as treasurer.

Chief Executive Officer David Hoff welcomed the officers, who were officially installed October 30th at the at the Hospital/Health System’s annual meeting.

Photo, left to right: Matthew Meagher; Joann Hudak; Hugh Rechner; William Dewar III, MD, Wayne Memorial Chief of Staff; Wendell Hunt and Frank Borelli.