Diane Sweder Named Wayne Memorial Hospital’s Employee of the Year 2017

(Honesdale, Dec. 11, 2017)… She’s only been at Wayne Memorial Hospital for five years, but Diane Sweder, an Environmental Services employee, has been Employee of the Month twice! And this year, she topped it with Employee of the Year of 2017.  The Carbondale resident, mother of two boys and four grandchildren, was stunned.

“I just grabbed my husband and started crying! It was really overwhelming,” Diane said later, adding, “I was tickled pink, though, that my husband was even there. He usually doesn’t come to these events.”

Sweder was presented with the Employee of the Year Award December 9th at the hospital’s annual holiday party, which honors all 12 Employees of the Month (EOM). Diane was March EOM this year and December EOM in 2014.  Before Wayne Memorial, Diane worked for seven years at the former Marian Community Hospital, which closed in 2012. She was nominated by Anthony Maloney, RN, who also once worked at Marian.  “Diane displays consistent positive attitude and superior work performance,” Maloney wrote on his nomination form. In fact, Maloney also wrote, “my recommendation would be for Employee of the Year.”

The Employee of the Year (EOY) is chosen by the Employees of the Month of the year before, in this case of 2016. The designation brings with it a monetary award and a permanent place on the EOY wall in the hospital.

“Diane really is super,” said Judy Williams, RN/Emergency Department. “You ask her to clean a room and before you can blink, it’s done.”

CEO David L. Hoff and Human Resources Director Elizabeth McDonald presented Diane with her award and thanked her and all the employees gathered for the party at the Carbondale Grand Hotel for their hard work for the hospital. They had special praise for the other 2017 Employees of the Month: January – Catie Festa/Perioperative Services; February – Emmy Maierle/Dietary; April – Holly Miszler, RN; May – Krina Pratt, PT/Acute Care Rehab; June – Marianne O’Brien, RN/Manager Chemotherapy; July – Marie Doherty/Unit Coordinator; August – Kit Lien/Materials Management; September – Nicole Diehl, RN; October – Sean Phillips, OT/Rehab; November – Renee LaPoint, LPN/Information Services; December – John Opaika/Facility Services.

Photo: David Hoff, WMH CEO; Diane Sweder, Employee of the Year 2017; Elizabeth McDonald, director Human Resources.