
Interested in the health and wellbeing of your community? Tune in!

15-minute broadcast  Sundays at 7:05 am on WDNH and on Classics 105.



Wayne Memorial Hospital’s Community Relations Manager

Carol Kneier, MS, RD, CDCES, LDN

Listen weekly as Carol talks to the movers and shakers in and around the Wayne-Pike region about current events and opportunities and the most up-to-date health tips. Carol explores topics new and familiar with representatives of Wayne Memorial Health System, local social service agencies, community groups, nutritionists, fitness specialists and medical experts.

The 15-minute broadcast airs Sundays at 7:05 am on Bold Gold stations WDNH (95.3) and on Classics 105 (105.3). It can also be found here on this page and on the Bold Gold website,

Have a question for Carol? Email


Missed a show? Listen here!  In addition to podcasts from the current year, you can listen to archived shows. 2024 HealthWorks  2023 Healthworks, 2022 Healthworks, and  2021 Healthworks.


2/9 Internet Safety for Parents – Guest Danielle Mangan, middle school counselor, Wallenpaupack Area School District shares details on the upcoming presentation, sponsored by WC Drug & Alcohol Commission, happening on Wednesday, March 26th at WAHS. All parents and guardians in our community are welcome to attend and learn about the impact of technology on children, from toddlers to college students.  For more information or to reserve your seat, call WAMS at 570-251-3057 or email
2/16 Cancer Awareness Month – Guest Laura Toole, LCSW, executive vice president Northeast Regional Cancer Institute discusses programs and resources available through NRCI and the collaboration with Wayne Memorial Hospital and Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers. For more information visit Northeast Regional Cancer Institute or call 570-904-8808.
2/23 Heart Health – Guest Joseph Laureti, MD, cardiologist at Wayne Memorial Physician Specialty Clinic discusses ways to protect your heart. Heart disease can be silent, listen and learn about the importance of routine primary care checkups, blood pressure control, how smoking causes heart disease and more. Need a cardiologist, call WM Cardiology at 570-253-8601 or visit
3/1 Food Connects Us, Celebrating National Nutrition Month – Guests Mary Beth Nogan, MS, RDN, LDN, WMH Nutrition Services and Molly Repecki, Marywood University nutrition intern, discusses this year’s theme, Food Connects Us. Listen and learn how Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) play a critical role in helping people understand the connection between the foods individuals and communities eat, and how these foods impact health throughout life. For more information visit National Nutrition Month® or call WMH Nutrition Services at 570-253-8164. 

3/9 Children’s Dental Health – Guest Lori Wood, RDH, PHDHP, CDHC, dental hygienist, WMCHC Together for Health Dental Center, discusses benefits of good oral health. Listen and learn about oral health needs, community outreach, new dental providers and more. For more information visit Together for Health Dental Center | (570) 251-6534 | Honesdale PA

1/5 Respiratory Health and COPD – Guest Brant Adomiak CRNP, pulmonary and sleep medicine, Wayne Memorial Physician Specialty Clinic discusses chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and recommendations for good respiratory health during the winter months. Listen and learn ways to keep yourself healthy. For more information visit 
1/12 Electronic Health Record (EHR) – Guest Kara Poremba, MSHA, BSN, RN, Chief Quality Officer Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers discusses the new EHR. EHR is a digital version of a patient’s medical history. Listen and learn how the EHR works. To learn more about WHCHC services visit Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers | Wayne Memorial Hospital
1/19 Winter Weather Safety – Guest Angela Reeves RN, community health nurse PA Department of Health, Wayne County State Health Center in Honesdale discusses how to protect yourself and others from the winter weather. Listen and learn about monitoring body temperature, dressing warmly to prevent hypothermia and frostbite, and stocking up on emergency supplies. For more information visit: Department of Health | Department of Health | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or call 570-253-7141.
1/26 Fair Hill Therapeutic Riding Center – Guests Sally Wasylyk, president FHTRC, Jacilyn Fritsch and Shannon Fox, directors for the Stable Moments program discusses equine assisted services for individuals with disabilities. Listen and learn about the Stable Moments program and the use of horses to help individuals with both mental, emotional and physical challenges. For more information on programs, becoming a mentor or volunteer, visit Fair Hill Therapeutic Riding Center – Equine Assisted Services or call 570-390-8695. 

2/2 Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month – Guest Debbie Cosentino, LPC, TF-CBT, certified play therapist, children’s program manager

Victims’ Intervention Program of Wayne & Pike Counties discusses how to build a healthy teen relationship, and services VIP provides to teens and adults. Learn about warning signs and where to go for help. For more information visit: Helping Victims of Violence in Wayne County & Pike County or call 570-253-4401 24/7.