Wayne Memorial Staff Donate to Fire-Survivor Patient

(Honesdale, April 14, 2023) … When Merlyn Deighton was admitted to Wayne Memorial Hospital (WMH) he never imagined his home in Honesdale would be destroyed by fire while he was gone. What he also didn’t expect was how generous employees at the hospital would be to him. Although he lost everything, he was humbled and grateful for multiple bags of donated and much-needed clothing, all of it brand new.

“Everyone has been so good,” Deighton said, “thank you!” He was also especially appreciative for his life. “If I had been home, I would have been gone too,” he explained, “because I can’t walk and I use a wheelchair.” Coincidentally the day of the fire March 20th, was also his 60th birthday.

When she heard of Deighton’s plight, Social Work Manager Mary Burgio-Terpak, LCSW, reached out to staff at the hospital and Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers. In no time at all donations of new—tags still on— shirts, pants, coats, jackets, and shoes were collected. Even one of the companies Wayne Memorial uses for promotional swag, East Coast Specialties, donated some items. The new wardrobe was a welcome relief in such a tragic time.

“Stepping up to help others is something the Wayne Memorial community does consistently,” said Burgio-Terpak, who has also organized drives to help seniors. “Their hearts are in the right place!”

While Deighton will now have clothes on his back—for every season—he still isn’t sure where he’s going to live once he’s discharged from Wayne Memorial. His cousin in North Carolina set up a fundraising page to help him. The link is  Fundraiser by Christina Satterfield : Help rebuild his life! (gofundme.com).

“We hope he finds a safe place soon,” said Burgio-Terpak.

Photo, Wayne Memorial staff with Merlyn Deighton, l. to. r.: Megan Oliveras, LSW, Gabriela Lopez/Social Work intern; Deighton; Mary Burgio-Terpak; Renee Palmer, PTA/Rehabilitation Services.