WMH Level IV Trauma Recertified

(Honesdale, October 7, 2022)… Wayne Memorial Hospital’s Level IV Trauma Center was recertified for two years after a rigorous survey by the accrediting body, Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.  Level IV trauma centers are able to provide initial care and stabilization of a traumatic injury—serious or critical bodily injury— while arranging transfer to a higher level of trauma care. Some of the most common traumatic injuries are caused by falls, motor vehicle crashes, burns and assaults.  Wayne Memorial Hospital (WMH) first became accredited in 2017, after building a helipad less than a mile from the hospital to facilitate patient transfers.

“This recertification recognizes the excellence of our staff and our commitment to quality care,” said CEO James Pettinato, BSN, MHSA, CCRN-K.  “As with any serious injury or medical event, time is of the essence and to have this kind of care close to home is very significant in a rural community.”

Pettinato especially thanked Karen Novobilski, RN, BSN, Nursing & Trauma Quality Manager, who oversaw the survey process, as well as Michelle Mikolaski, Trauma Registrar, and both current Trauma Program Manager, Erica Wilbur, RN and former manager Lucille Young, RN.  He extended kudos as well to the physician team of Louis D’Oro, MD, Lisa Medvetz, MD and Stanley Skoniecki, MD.

“This was truly a team effort,” said Novobilski, “Trauma diagnosis and treatment is multi-disciplinary, involving coordination between life-flight crews, EMS services, receiving facilities for transfers, and of course many hospital departments including but not limited to the Emergency Department, Laboratory Services, Radiology, Orthopedics, Surgery, Nursing and Rehabilitation Services.”

Between January of 2017 and the end of August, 2022, WMH’s Trauma program treated 3,105 patients.

Photo, l. to r.: Louis D’Oro, MD; Michele Churney, RN, MSN, BSN, manager Outpatient Services; Michelle Mikolaski, Trauma Registrar;  Erica Wilbur, RN, Trauma Program Manager;  Karen Novobilski, RN, BSN, Trauma Quality Manger; WMH CEO James Pettinato, BSN, MHSA, CCRN-K; Lisa Medvetz, MD.