WMH UPDATED Visitor Policy

(Honesdale, March 18, 2020)…As of today, Wayne Memorial Hospital is limiting visitation for patients throughout its system to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).  No visitors will be permitted except in special situations, such as end-of-life.  “It is our mission to provide quality medical care in a safe environment for our patients, staff and visitors,” said WMH CEO David Hoff.  “In view of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, we are asking everyone to help us minimize exposure to infections and communicable diseases.”


Hospital Inpatients


NO visitors will be allowed except in the following cases:

  • Patient in an end-of-life situation
  • Patient in our labor-and-delivery unit, New Beginnings (1 visitor permitted)
  • Pediatric and neonatal patients (1 parent permitted at a time)
  • Patient who requires informed clinical-consent support (1 visitor)
  • Patient who needs discharge support (1 visitor)
  • Visitors under 18 need prior authorization to visit in any situation


Hospital Outpatient Procedures & ER Visitation

  • 1 support person permitted
  • No visitors under 18 years of age with exceptions


Wayne Woodlands Manor, long –term care facility

  • No visitors except in end-of-life situations


Wayne Memorial has dedicated and isolated a unit to treat COVID-19 patients, though no one has been admitted to date.

CEO Hoff urged all visitors to please practice infection control.  “Please wash your hands before entering or leaving a patient room.  Cover a cough with a tissue or your elbow and wash your hands afterwards.”   He said that visitors with respiratory symptoms who are permitted to visit should ask for a face mask at Registration or the nurse’s station on the floor they are visiting.

Hoff noted that most other hospitals in the region have enacted similar visitation policies for the same reason – “the safety of all of us.”


Photo:  A patient room at Wayne Memorial Hospital in an isolation unit dedicated to COVID-19 patients (though none has presented to date). The room has been outfitted with a negative-air-pressure system to keep contaminated particles from escaping.  Infection control barrier walls have also been set up in the unit.