WMH Auxiliary Check Elicits WOWs!

(Honesdale, May 13, 2019)…The Wayne Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, often cited by hospital administrators as “the hardest working Auxiliary in the state,” presented the hospital with a check for $140,000 at the annual volunteer luncheon on May 3rd at Central House, Beach Lake. “Wow, this is great!” said Wayne Memorial Hospital CEO David Hoff, adding with adulation, “and they raised this without even having a gift shop!”  The check, which represented the profits from the Auxiliary’s many events and services over the past year, did not include monies from the Gift Box, its in-hospital gift shop. The store was closed the past year due to the hospital’s major construction project.

“Our members are committed and passionate,” said Auxiliary President Rosemarie Corigliano, “They’re clearly undaunted! When the going gets tough, the tough get going—and that’s us!”

The Auxiliary counts more than 200 members, a “remarkable number,” said Hoff, “considering many hospital auxiliaries are no longer in existence.”

The Auxiliary raises funds through events such as the annual Mistletoe Ball, Love Lites and holiday bake sales, its Other Shops One and Two in Honesdale and Hawley, sponsored sales of jewelry, chocolate, uniforms and other items, and more. One of its most popular events, a tribute concert in the fall, will feature John Denver tribute artist Jim Curry on Sunday, September 8th this year at the Woodloch Nightclub.

The Auxiliary’s gift shop will reopen this year, when the construction project is completed.

A portion of this year’s check, $15,000, will go towards Wayne Memorial’s long-term care facility, Wayne Woodlands Manor in Waymart. In the past the Manor has used the funds to create activities areas in the 121-bed residence.

Photo left to right: Auxilians Martha Wilson and Karen Hermey; WMH/WMHS Board Chairman Dirk Mumford; Michael Freund, Wayne Woodlands Manor administrator; CEO David Hoff; Rosemarie Corigliano; Auxilians Diane Fox/Vice President, Kathie Carlson/ Historian and Treasurer Diane Popovich, Michelle Corrigan, Carol Sturm and President-Elect  Melissa Rickard.