Hospice Care

Offering Comfort To Our Patients

When a patient’s life expectancy is limited, comfort is just a phone call away. Wayne Memorial’s Hospice Team provides a full range of compassionate care for the dying so they may live their lives to the fullest. Hospice care neither hastens nor postpones death; instead, it eases symptoms of discomfort and offers scientifically advanced pain control.

The Hospice Team works closely with the patient and their personal physician to develop a comprehensive and very personalized care plan. We support a patient’s desire to die with dignity and with as much control as possible in the comfort of their own home.

Care May Include:

  • Medical Care
  • Pain Management
  • Symptom Management
  • Nursing Care
  • Personal Care (bathing, dressing, etc.)
  • Social Services
  • Spiritual Care

We also provide related medical supplies such as hospital beds and commodes as well as medications prescribed by the physician for pain management and symptom relief.

Hospice care is based on a philosophy that affirms life in all of its aspects and recognizes death as a natural part of life. To meet the complete needs of the patient–physical, emotional, spiritual and social–our Hospice Program uses a multi-disciplinary team approach. The Team consists of dedicated professionals and compassionate volunteers who work with the patient, their family and loved ones to provide the best care at every stage of the end-of-life process.

Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach

Your Team May Include:

  • The Primary Caregiver
  • The Patient’s Personal Physician
  • The Hospice Medical Director
  • The Hospice Team Leader
  • Professional Registered Nurse
  • Social Worker
  • Bereavement and Volunteer Coordinators
  • Faith-Based Counselor
  • Physical and Occupational Therapists
  • Dietitian
  • Pharmacist
  • Hospice Volunteers

Hospice Team services are coordinated by a registered nurse, who visits the patient’s home one or more times each week to assess patient and family needs.

Support For Family And Loved Ones

The Hospice Team understands how unique the dying process is for everyone involved. We respect the wishes of the patient, their families and loved ones. In addition to practical care and comfort solutions, we offer in-home emotional and spiritual support before, during and after the death of a family member or loved one.

The Hospice Team Offers:

  • A multi-disciplinary team of professionals and trained volunteers
  • Quality care and comfort at home
  • Bereavement support programs
  • Respite care for up to five days at a hospital such as Wayne Memorial Hospital or a skilled nursing facility such as Wayne Woodlands Manor
  • Spiritual counseling

Meaningful support is just a phone call away.

How To Contact us

For more information about the Wayne Memorial Health System Hospice Program or to schedule an appointment, please call:

Honesdale (570) 253-8431

Toll-Free (800) 675-3003

Hospice Team Leader (570) 253-8431

Insurance Information

Medicare covers all services and supplies related to a patient’s terminal illness, for those eligible. Hospice coverage for non-Medicare patients is often available through private health insurance plans. The Hospice Team can help patients find out if they are eligible for coverage.

WMHS Anti-Discrimination Policy

Patients will be accepted for care without discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, financial status, handicap (mental or physical), ability to pay, communicable disease, place of national origin or sexual orientation.